Operation & Maintenance
RRCC has the expertise and necessary organizational resources to support any large operation and maintenance of project in an effective manner. RRCC has the experience of providing operation and maintenance services for one of the largest road projects in Afghanistan funded by USAID. This project which stretches from west to south, southeast and ends in north, covered almost 75% of Afghanistan.
The 1550 kilometer Ring Road draws a big smile across the map of Afghanistan. It stretches from Herat Province to Kabul and then to Nuristan province which, run from West to South and then to Eastern part of Afghanistan. It is the main artery that attaches to all the secondary roads in Afghanistan.
Our pristine past performance earned us such a sterling reputation that USAID/LBG entrusted us possibly the largest contract ever awarded to an Afghan construction company. This project connects almost 75% of Afghanistan and crosses the high risk security environments. Moreover, the client increased the project scope and period of performance due to our superior performance and quality of work.